Thursday 20 January 2011

In Graphics - The US-China Power Balance

This is another informative graphic from the BBC which illustrates some of the imbalances which currently exist between the 2 great economies.

Tuesday 18 January 2011

Why Did Inflation Reach 3.7% in January 2011?

Follow the link to the informative BBC article...

Food & Fuel Prices - Why Are They Increasing?

Food and fuel prices have risen substantially this past year, why?

China Lends more than World Bank

Two Chinese banks have lent more to developing countries than the world bank.

Monday 17 January 2011

Public Enemy No. 1 - the return of inflation

The BoE is under pressure to raise interest rates in the face of rising inflation.

However, inaction could be the bravest decision of all.Add Video

Friday 7 January 2011

Euro Stands Just 20% Chance of Survival Next Decade

Imbalances Between East and West Continue to Grow

Despite the credit crisis, the existence of East-West imbalances has not faltered.

The threat of continued protectionism measures is still real.

Revision Q&A

Follow the link to the tutor2u revision pages to aid your prelim (and exam) preparation.

Thursday 6 January 2011

The Monopoly Board of Winners and Losers

Follow the link to the Guardian website to access their interactive monopoly board of high street winners and losers of 2010.

Top 10 Economics News Stories - In Pictures


Follow the links to access a few articles explaining the impact of the recent VAT change.

Eurozone Data

Beijing City Lifts Minimum Wage by 21%

The minimum wage has been lifted in response to social tensions brought on by growing good price inflation and an attempt by the government to move towards greater domestic consumption..

What will the impact be on the UK however?

China is a low wage economy and low cost producer. This will only serve to fuel inflation further in the UK.

Estonia Joins the Euro

Estonia becomes the 17th member of the Eurozone economy of 1st Jan 2011.

Eurozone Det Crsis Pain: by Numbers

A detailed account of Eurozone austerity measures by country.